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加拿大28开奖网 双周高端seminar讲座(2024年第10讲)
2024年04月22日 14:32     (浏览次数:)




四、地点:加拿大28开奖网 214室


Drawing on the problemistic search perspective from the behavioral theory of the firm and the upper echelon theory, we propose that when faced with negative performance feedback at home, firms with CEOs possessing strong ownership and expert power may adopt a self-enhancement approach rather than addressing the performance shortfall as a problem. Those with CEOs possessing strong structural and prestige power tend to follow a problem-solving approach and favor internationalization. We further argue that the self-enhancement or problemistic search approaches to handling negative performance feedback by different CEOs are reinforced if there is a positive performance prospect. Our theoretical arguments are largely supported by the empirical analysis of a sample of 401 newly listed public ventures in China over the period 2009 and 2017.


周静子(Abby Jingzi Zhou)博士是宁波诺丁汉大学国际商务与战略副教授。她曾在西交利物浦大学任教,并曾是芬兰阿尔托大学的访问学者。周静子博士的研究领域包括知识创新、人力资源管理以及中国企业的创新与国际化战略。她已在Journal of International Business Studies,Journal of World Business,Management and Organization Review,Asia Pacific Journal of Management等国际知名管理学杂志上发表了众多论文,也在包括《哈佛商业评论》、《清华管理评论》等知名实践性期刊上发表了对企业实践有很强指导意义的论文。

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