题 目:带有看不见墙的城市:劳动力自由化与中国的错配
讲 座 人:周康 “百人计划”研究员 浙江大学
We study the implication of migration barriers on labor misallocation using China's hukou reform in the 2000s, which relaxed restrictions on rural migrant workers by granting them local urban residency rights. We show that the reform increased employment by 26.0%, revenues by 4.1%, capital by 11.8%, and decreased marginal revenue products of labor by 23.8% for previously more labor-constrained firms compared to other firms. This suggests a more concentrated distribution of marginal products and a reduction in misallocation. Geographically, the gains in allocative efficiency are attenuated in regions facing strong competition from "early reform adopters" but are amplified in areas with weaker pre-reform migration networks. Furthermore, we estimate various firm heterogeneity that reveal winners of labor deregulation. At the aggregate level, the $hukou$ reform led to a 4.6% increase in aggregate productivity and a 14.6% surge in manufacturing output.
周康,浙江大学经济学院“百人计划”研究员、共享与发展研究院研究员,博士生导师。周康博士于2021年获香港中文大学经济学博士学位,研究领域包括发展与劳动经济学、国际贸易、和应用微观经济学,研究主题涵盖经济发展的原因与后果,科技的应用与扩散,人力资本的形成,劳动力与婚姻市场,以及企业行为等。主持国家发改委课题,最近的研究成果见于Journal of Development Economics、Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization、《经济研究》等国内外知名学术期刊。现担任Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, China Economic Review, The World Economy,《世界经济》等期刊匿名审稿人。