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双周高端seminar:Bureaucratic Discretion and Auditor Choice: Evidence from a Quasi-natural Experiment
2023年12月11日 17:20     (浏览次数:)


地点:加拿大28开奖网 214室


In 2016, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) introduced the "double random" inspection system, which employs a random sampling mechanism to restrict the CSRC's discretion in selecting inspection targets and inspectors. This study takes advantage of this unique context and employs a difference-in-differences (DID) analysis to examine the impact of bureaucratic discretion on auditor choice. The results show that the implementation of the "double random" inspection system increases firms' inclination to choose high-quality auditors, and this effect is more pronounced among firms with lower quality pre-audited financial reports, located in regions with higher penalties risk, and with lower equity restriction ratio. Further analyses reveals that the “double random” inspection system (1) increases the probability of firms switching from a small audit firm to a large one, while reduces the probability of firms switching from a large audit firm to a small one, (2) enhances auditor independence, and (3) improves firms’ earnings quality. Our findings suggest that restrictions on bureaucratic discretion forcing firms to rely more on high-quality auditors to mitigate regulatory risks by restraining them from using other tactics to circumvent regulation.


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