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加拿大28开奖网 双周高端seminar:经济学系列讲座
2022年11月29日 14:55     (浏览次数:)


讲座地点:腾讯会议(会议号:797 807 196)


柯荣住 浙江大学经济学院教授

潘士远 浙江大学经济学院教授

陈松年 浙江大学青山讲习教授 经济学院教

杨志才 郑州大学加拿大28开奖网 副教授


徐群芳教授 经济系系主任





讲座1主讲人:柯荣住 浙江大学经济学院教授


讲座1主讲人简介:柯荣住,现浙江大学经济学院教授,博士生导师,特聘为浙江大学“文科领军人才”。浙江大学经济学学士、硕士,麻省理工学院经济学博士。主要从事微观经济学理论、契约理论和组织经济学方向的研究。从本科开始在《经济研究》、《中国社会科学》等国内权威发表文章20余篇,其中有3篇被收入《中国经济学》系列。近年来的主要研究成果也发表于Journal of Labor Economics, Theoretical Economics, Operation ResearchManagement Science等国际权威经济管理类刊物。

讲座2题目:The Unintended Consequences of Relaxing China’s One-Child Policy: Theory and Evidence

讲座2时间:20221130 1430 — 1530

讲座2主讲人潘士远 浙江大学求是特聘教授 济学院教授

讲座2内容摘要:This study examines the economic effects of relaxing China’s one-child policy (OCP). An extended Barro-Becker model predicts asymmetric effects of relaxing the OCP on first-child and second-child births. Using a two-child policy adopted by local governments on different months, we find that adopting the policy substantially increases second-child births, particularly for couples who are relatively younger, less educated, having no homeownership, and covered by pension, but decreases or delays first-child births for couples who are sensitive to child-rearing costs. The declining first-child births do not offset the increased second-child births, leading to an increase in total births after the policy adoption. The same policy leads to higher child-rearing costs, supporting a likely underlying mechanism in the model for its asymmetric effects on first-child and second-child births. These findings imply that policy makers should prioritize reducing prospective parents’ child-rearing costs when adopting policies to boost fertility rates.

讲座2主讲人简介:潘士远,浙江大学求是特聘教授、博导,浙江大学社科学部副主任,浙江大学民营经济中心主任。主要研究方向为经济增长理论、创新经济学与中国经济。担任教育部高等学校经济学类专业教学指导委员会委员,浙江省经济学会副会长,China Economic ReviewChina & World Economy副主编。

讲座3题目:Quantile Regression with Group-level Treatments

讲座3时间:20221130 1530 — 1630

讲座3主讲人:陈松年 浙江大学青山讲习教授 经济学院教授

讲座3内容摘要To study the distributional effects of group level treatments, Angrist and Lang(2004) applied quantile regression with group level regressors, and Chetverikov et al.(2016) proposed a grouped instrumental variables quantile regression estimator, a quan[1]tile extension of the Hausman and Taylor’s (1981) instrumental variables estimator for panel data. However, the analyses of distributional effects of group level treatments in Angrist and Lang (2004) and Chetverikov et al. (2016) are incomplete and their models are quite restrictive, and they only allow for heterogenous distributional effects of group-level treatments that corresponds to individual-level unobserved characteris[1]tics, but not group-level unobserved characteristics. In other words, Angrist and Lang (2004) and Chetverikov et al. (2016) allow for within group hetergeneous distribu[1]tional treatment effects, but not between group heterogeneous distributional treatment effects. In this article, we provide a comprehensive analysis by proposing a quantile regression model that allows for heterogenous distributional effects of group level treat[1]ments associated with both individual level and group level unobserved characteristics, corresponding to within-group and between-group distributional effects. We propose two step quantile regression and instrumental variables quantile regression estimators, depending on whether the group level treatments are correlated with the group leve unobserved characteristics. Large sample properties are presented and simulation re[1]sults indicate our estimators perform well in finite samples

讲座3主讲人简介:陈松年,著名经济学家,世界计量经济学会院士,曾任新加坡国立大学经济学系讲席教授、香港科技大学经济系讲席教授。在香港科技大学任职期间,陈教授还担任学校长聘及晋升委员会委员、中研经济研究所咨询委员会委员、高等研究院高级研究员等职务。主要从事理论与应用微观计量学研究工作。陈教授是计量经济学领域享有盛誉的国际知名学者,特别是在微观计量经济学领域具有突出成绩,在截断删失回归、分位数回归、样本选择模型等领域的研究享誉国际。已在Econometrica, Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Econometrics, Econometric Theory, Annals of Statistics, Journal of American Statistical Association, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics等国际学术期刊发表论文四十余篇。陈教授在计量经济学顶刊Journal of Econometrics长期担任副主编,是该期刊的荣誉会员。


讲座4时间:20221130 1630 — 1730

讲座4主讲人:杨志才 郑州大学加拿大28开奖网 副教授


讲座4主讲人简介:杨志才,郑州大学加拿大28开奖网 副教授,硕士生导师,《重庆理工大学学报(社会科学)》青年编委。获得2019福建省优秀博士学位论文称号,以第一作者或通讯作者在《管理世界》、《经济学季刊》、《经济科学》等权威期刊发表论文,在《中国社会科学出版社》出版学术专著一项,主持国家社科项目、中国博士后特别资助项目等多项。主要研究方向:劳动经济、资源配置、城市和区域经济发展。

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