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学术讲座:Integrated maintenance scheduling, location and routing decisions problem for offshore wind farms
2021年11月22日 10:31     (浏览次数:)

题目:Integrated maintenance scheduling, location and routing decisions problem for offshore wind farms


主讲人:Professor Hing Kai Chan


主持人:章勇敏 教授








主讲人简介:Professor Hing Kai Chan joined the Nottingham University Business School China in September 2014, and is a Professor of Operations Management. He received the MSc degree (with distinction) and the PhD degree from the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, University of Hong Kong. He also earned the BEng degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the University of Hong Kong. He received the BSc degree in Economics and Management from the London School of Economics and Political Science. He worked in the electronic manufacturing industry over 10 years before joining the academia.

Professor Chan has published over 100 peer-reviewed academic articles and (co-)edited several special issues for reputable international journals. His publications appear in Production and Operations Management, European Journal of Operational Research, various IEEE Transactions, Decision Support Systems, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, among others. He has been the co-editor of Industrial Management & Data Systems (SCI-indexed) since 2014, and is an Associate Editor of Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review (SCI-indexed) since 2018. He was the Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (SCI-indexed) from 2009 to 2015, and the Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (SCI-indexed) from 2014-2017. Professor Chan also serves as an Editorial Board Member (or similar) in a number of journals such as Journal of Business & Industrial Management (SSCI-indexed), International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications (SSCI-indexed), Online Information Review (SCI-indexed).


摘要:Offshore wind farms are very important to produce renewable energy, which help achieve sustainable development goals. Offshore wind farms, similar to other power generating plants, require maintenance work. A Service Operation Vessel and a Safe Transfer Boat (or Crew Transfer Vessel) are used to maintain a set of turbines in this setting. The aim is to dynamically and simultaneously find the best locations for the Service Operation Vessel in the plane (i.e., the sea) and to determine the best delivery and pick-up routes used by the Safe Transfer Boat to access the turbines. Given the limitations of solving this problem using exact methods in a continuous space, a hybrid model with a mixed-integer nonlinear programming and Genetic Algorithm is proposed. The computational results, using the Thanet offshore wind farm in the South East of the UK as an example, demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed hybrid method.

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