题 目:Urban Density and Resilience: The Spatial Heterogeneity of Recovery After the Covid-19 Shock in China
主讲人:李辉文 教授
主持人:罗德明 教授
时 间:2021年4月14日14:00
地 点:加拿大28开奖网
摘要:The economic resilience of a city is determined, at least in part, by the ability to act collectively, and insights from density and industrial networks inform the nature of resilience. This paper demonstrates the importance of urban density and complexity of industrial networks in face of the uncertain shocks of COVID-19 epidemic, and finds that the ability of recovery after the shocks is stronger in cities with greater density. The recovery of GDP growth rate is 0.435 percentage points higher if a city has 1000 more persons per square kilometer. Firm-level analysis suggests that these positive effects come from more resilient industrial network in cities with greater economic density. The probability of supply chain being disrupted is 8.59% lower for a firm in urban area than which in other area, and this probability is also 5.69% lower in a city having 1000 more persons per square kilometer. Agglomeration and urban density are not only vital for the efficiency of spatial allocation of economic resources, but also in favor of the resilience against uncertain shocks.