题 目:Firms' Choices of Price, Quality, and Product Scope, and the Consequences of Trade in an Open Economy: Evidence from China
主 讲 人:李杰 教授
主 持 人:罗德明 教授
时 间:2020年12月4日(周五)下午14:00—15:30
地 点:加拿大28开奖网
主讲人简介:李杰,暨南大学产业经济研究院教授、博士生导师、《产经评论》执行主编、广州市人文社科重点研究基地“现代产业新体系研究基地”副主任、暨南大学校级人文社科重点平台“产业组织与规制研究所”所长,海南大学客座教授,广州市穗港澳区域发展研究会监事,担任国际经济学领域著名期刊Review of International Economics 2019年度关于中国问题特刊的共同客座主编。主要研究领域为产业经济学、国际贸易以及公司金融。近年来在Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Regulatory Economics, Environmental and Resource Economics, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Southern Economic Journal, Review of International Economics, The World Economy, China Economic Review等国际知名SSCI杂志发表论文30余篇,在《经济研究》、《世界经济》、《管理科学学报》、《中国工业经济》等国内权威期刊发表论文20多篇。主持包括国家社科、教育部、省社科重点、省自科基金在内的多项国家级、省部级课题,以及一些地方政府部门和研究部门的课题,出版十一五国家级规划教材一本,获 “安子介国际贸易研究优秀论文奖”,主讲的《中级微观经济学》入选2009年度国家级精品课程。
内容摘要: Firms’total profits depend on exogenous fundamentals as well as the choices they make, and among the latter the key ones include the types and number of markets they operate in (products as well as regions) and the prices and attributes -most importantly, the quality – of the products they sell.A large body of earlier work tends to focus on firms and markets at large, considering multi?market operations but portraying firms as single-product units.Another strand of work focuses on the product scope of firms and how it responds to changes in market integration (or dis-integration), also considering other economic margins.And yet another strand focuses on product quality as well as other margins.However, these strands of work are not fully integrated, nor do they pay attention to the empirical distributions of firm productivity which differs vastly from the parametric forms considered in quantitative work that focuses on aggregate outcomes.We propose a stylized model where firms decide about the number of products they produce, their quality, and the markets they want to enter conditional on fundamentals such as factor costs, trade and fixed costs, productivity, and market size.Productivity varies not only across firms but also across products and destination markets.We take this model to matched customs and firm data of China to estimate all required parameters. Then we conduct counterfactual experiments where we change trade costs by different magnitudes.An important insight is that the heterogeneous density of firms around the zero-profit threshold in the outset of the calibrated model for the year 2013 leads to highly nonlinear effects at various intensive and extensive margins of trade such as product scope and market scope.