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加拿大28开奖网 学术报告:Is the Releasing Gap a Double-Edged Sword? Evidence from China’s film Market
2020年10月26日 15:59     (浏览次数:)

  间:1028日 下午1230—200


:吴芳 副教授





主讲人简介:吴芳博士2010年从加拿大阿尔伯塔大学获得工商管理学博士学位后,加入上海财经大学加拿大28开奖网 任市场营销系副教授。此前,吴芳博士还分别从阿尔伯塔大学和华中科技大学获得经济学硕士和学士学位。在上海财经大学加拿大28开奖网 讲授市场营销建模(博士)、多元数据分析(博士)、国际营销(硕士)和市场营销管理(本科,MBA)等课程。学术领域主要包括消费者行为建模,市场结构分析和竞争决策等领域,主要擅长用计量经济学,贝叶斯等统计方法进行数据分析。目前多篇论文在国际权威学术刊物Management Science, Journal of Marketing ResearchInternational Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Regulatory Economics, Health Economics, and Journal of Transport Economics and Policy发表,同时还有多篇论文在国际权威期刊Management Science Journal of Marketing在审。主持两项国家自然科学基金青年项目。


Abstract International market has been increasingly important for global movie industry. However, it is not easy for a movie to achieve international success, as many international film markets are regulated and the protectionist policies countries adopt vary. The existence of these protectionist policies significantly affect the effectiveness of movie studios’ international releasing strategies, which further influences the foreign movies’ performance in the international market.

In this research, we aim to explore the economic impact of  the release gap of foreign movies on movies' box offices in a regulated foreign market (i.e., China). We emphasize that in a regulated film market such as China, local government may use various explicit and implicit protectionist policies to limit a foreign movie’s Chinese releasing date, and partly contribute to a well-observed phenomenon of great variation in releasing gaps.

The research questions we want to examine, therefore, include: 1) will the release gap of foreign movies definitely hurt the performance of these movies? If yes, how this happen? 2) Would the manipulation of foreign movies’ releasing gaps actually help increase the overall market performance of the domestic movies? To answer these questions, we decompose the effects of releasing gap into three components: delay effect, word-of-mouth effects and seasonality effect. We then use weekly box office data for all movies that were released in China during 2008 to 2015 and empirically show that if all the foreign movies are allowed with the day-of-date release (i.e., no delay effect and word-of-mouth effect), the box offices of foreign movies will increase, while those of Chinese movies will decrease. However, the overall box offices in the Chinese market will increase.

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