题 目:Computational Processes underlying Prosocial and Antisocial Punishment
主讲人:陈发动 浙江大学“百人计划”研究员
主持人:罗德明 教授
时 间:2019年12月4日(周三)下午15:30—17:00
地 点:加拿大28开奖网
摘要:Extensive evidence indicate that prosocial punishment plays an important role in promoting cooperation, while antisocial punishment is detrimental for cooperation. However, little is known on the decision-making process that underlies punishment decisions. Here, we investigate the computational processes underlying prosocial and antisocial punishment using response time and choice data from a public goods game experiment. We find that participants punish others pro-socially and antisocially. And punishment behavior is sensitive to the cost and the impact of punishment. The response time of punishment and non-punishment decisions is sensitive to the cost and the impact of decisions, and the cognitive process underlying prosocial and antisocial punishment is consistent with the predictions of drift-diffusion models. That is, prosocial and antisocial punishment share a common underlying process, and both of them are the results of calculated actions. In addition, compared to the outcome-based logistic model, modeling punishment behavioral from the perspective of cognitive processes improves the out-of-sample predictions.
主讲人简介:陈发动,经济学博士,2017年8月加入浙江大学管理学院,数据科学与管理工程学系“百人计划”研究员、博士生导师,中国技术经济学会神经经济管理专业委员会副秘书长,曾获得国家优秀自费留学生奖学金(2016)、浙江省哲学社会科学优秀成果二等奖、中国运筹学会行为运作管理分会优秀青年学者研究奖等。主要从事行为决策、决策神经科学、行为与实验经济学等领域的教学与科研工作。作为项目负责人,主持国家自然科学基金等多项科研项目。相关研究发表于《Nature Communications》等顶级期刊,并得到国内外主流媒体的广泛报道。