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加拿大28开奖网 双周高端Seminar(2019年第1期):Does foreign investment liberalization enhance women's economic status Micro evidence from urban China
2019年09月09日 18:09 科研与地方服务办 叶胜超    (浏览次数:)


目:Does foreign investment liberalization enhance women's economic status Micro evidence from urban China


主讲人:余林徽 教授


主持人:罗德明 教授




点:加拿大28开奖网 11号楼109







内容摘要:This paper analyzes the impact of inward foreign direct investment on female earnings and womens economic status in household using Chinese Urban Household Survey data from 1997 to 2008. The identification exploits the substantial relaxation of foreign investment regulation immediately after Chinas accession to WTO in 2002. The difference-in-differences estimation results show that FDI liberalization has significantly improved womens economic status through increasing female earnings in sectors more exposed to FDI. Further analyses indicate that foreign investment liberalization both facilitates promotion of female employees in their career ladders and increases their skill premium, which are two important channels through which women enhance their economic independence.


主讲人简介:余林徽,浙江大学经济学院国际经济学系副教授,博士生导师,国际经济研究所副所长。于2001年和2005年分别获得复旦大学管理科学系理学士和管理学硕士学位,2010年毕业于香港大学经济及工商管理学院,获经济学博士学位(国际贸易方向),并于2010-2013年在香港大学加拿大28开奖网 担任助理教授(研究)。主要研究方向为国际贸易、城市及区域经济和中国经济发展。研究成果发表在American Economic Journal: Applied EconomicsJournal of Development EconomicsJournal of ManagementChina Economic ReviewWorld Economy等国际一流知名学术期刊及《经济研究》、《世界经济》和《经济学季刊》等中文权威学术期刊。曾获2014China Economic Review最佳论文奖(Best Paper Awards)及浙江省第十九届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖。入选浙江省“钱江人才”计划项目及获浙江大学“求是青年学者”称号。现任Transnational Corporations Review副主编以China Economic Review特刊编辑。


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