报告题目:Blame the Foreigners? Exports and Sulphur Dioxide Emissions in China
报 告 人:王争 副教授(英国De Montfort大学)
主 持 人:周新苗 教授
讲座摘要: This paper offers a study on the impact of exports on sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions in Chinese cities. To identify the causal relationship, it exploits export destination markets' import demand shocks (net of the destination markets' demand for Chinese products) as a plausibly exogenous source of variation in the cities' exports. The results establish a statistically and economically significant impact of exports on regional SO2 emissions for the sample period (2003-2014) as a whole: on average, a 1% increase in exports (weighted by the exporting industry's relative emission intensity) leads to a 0.2%-0.3% rise in SO2 emissions in Chinese cities. The baseline estimates remain qualitatively insensitive to an array of robustness checks accounting for: alternative controls for domestic production, missing data for some city-year observations, time-variant pollution intensity, influence of lagged emissions and destination markets' demand, and domestic value-added in exports. Notably, however, the magnitude of the estimated effect declined monotonically over time and has become statistically insignificant after 2011. A closer anatomy shows that a greater foreign control over production process and intermediate inputs reduces the environmental effect. In addition, the set-up of the SO2 emission control zone did not seem to have played an intended role in curtailing the environmental impact of exports. These findings depict a rich and fine picture about the environmental impact of international trade in an export-driven economy, and cast doubt on the effectiveness of some of the current environmental policies in China.
专家简介:王争,现任英国De Montfort大学经济学副教授,应用经济研究所副主任,经济学博士项目主任。此前曾先后在英国诺丁汉大学,宁波诺丁汉大学,英国赫尔大学等学校任教,并在浙江大学获得经济学学士和博士学位,在英国诺丁汉大学获得经济学博士学位。其研究领域主要集中在国际经济学和发展经济学。论文见诸国际国内著名期刊如Journal of Development Economics, European Economic Review, Journal of Comparative Economics, Economics Letters, 《经济研究》,《经济学(季刊)》,《金融研究》,《中国社会科学文摘》等。学术观点曾被BBC等国际知名媒体报道。