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The International Conference on Risk Analysis and Emergency Management 2021 (RAEM 2021)
2021年06月15日 10:57     (浏览次数:)

The International Conference on Risk Analysis and Emergency Management 2021 (RAEM 2021) will be held in Guilin, China on 29-31 October 2021 and will be hosted by the AEIC Academic Exchange Centre. Since the 1980s, with the accelerating pace of globalization and modernization of human society, risks and uncertainties in society have become more complex and prominent. With the intensification of global climate change and its impacts, the complex changes in the international political and economic situation, and the rapid development of new science and technology, the human society has been confronted with various risks and emergencies in various fields in recent years. The meeting around the "risk analysis" and "emergency management", the latest research, for in the relevant field of domestic and foreign experts, scholars, scientists, and other related personnel set up a platform of exchange and sharing the latest achievements in research, in order to promote each other, improve together, and discuss the key challenges that the field development problems and research direction, In order to promote the development and application of theory and technology in this field.

详见网址:2021 International Conference on Risk Analysis and Emergency Management (icraem.org)

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