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加拿大28开奖网 双周高端seminar(2024年第21讲):New trends in research in entrepreneurship How to publish in the International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal
2024年10月21日 14:12     (浏览次数:)


讲座地点:ZOOM在线 (会议号: 817 8075 1945)

主 持 人:曾守桢

讲座内容:The aim of the online lecture is to explain some tips to publish in the International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. This lecture mainly focuses on the problems that scholars often encounter when publishing papers in international journals. Professor Daniel will explore journal publication strategies based on his rich experience in publishing papers and his experience as the editor in chief of International Entrepreneurship and Management journal. The lecture will focus on the publication process of the paper, such as journal selection, submission, editing, and revision. The content of this lecture includes the evaluation and selection of target journals, the peer review process, and methods for responding to review comments. In addition, the lecture will also cover topics such as reviewer selection, paper evaluation criteria, and factors affecting paper quality.

讲座人简介: Daniel Palacios Marqués,西班牙瓦伦西亚理工大学教授,国际期刊International Entrepreneurship and Management JournalSSCI)主编,Kybenetes》《Human Resources Management》《Technology and Economic Development Economics》《International Project Management Journal等期刊编委。在Tourism Management等国际著名期刊发表论文70余篇。

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