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2023年03月22日 10:10     (浏览次数:)

36日,加拿大28开奖俄罗斯工商管理2+2班大四学生Zhitov Ilya开始了在宁波泰友进出口有限公司为期两个月的实习。宁波泰友进出口有限公司董事长、2003届中澳MBA校友孙一淳先生对其在司期间的工作和学习提供了妥善安排和指导。


孙总是加拿大28开奖网 的校友,也是一家拥有250多名员工、在全球拥有上百家合作伙伴的公司创始人。两周前,孙总给了我在他公司实习的机会,我非常感谢他和学院给予的这次机会!这对我和我将来的职业发展都具有重要意义。

我在这家公司学习了好几方面的知识:品牌营销、产品管理、市场营销研究、销售和生产管理。多数时间,我都在使用社交媒体帮公司做品牌推广。在来这儿实习前,我从未熟悉过Google AdsLinkedIn这些社交推广软件,这些对我来说都是全新的工具,而现在,利用这些做好品牌推广已成为了我实习期重要的工作内容。






Mr. Sun is an alumnus of Business School of Ningbo University. He is a founder of the company where more than 250 people work and which has more than 100 partners from different countries. Mr. Sun invited me to do an internship in his company two weeks ago. I would like to express my big gratitude to Ms. Zhang and Mr. Sun for this opportunity. That means a lot for me and my future professional development.

I study several things in the company: Brand Development, Product Management, Marketing Research, Sales Management and Production Management. Mostly, I develop the brand’s name using social networks and social media. I have never been familiar with Google Ads and LinkedIn tools until my internship – these instruments are relatively new for me. The Brand Development is a big part of my internship.

Additionally, the company develops a new product for women with afro-textured hair. I do surveys and analyze what features and preferences this category of people have. I study on practice what Product Management and Marketing Research are.

Sales Management also takes a part in my work.  I had experience of working in one of the largest banks in Russia, and I have an understanding how to do this properly. I look for the Russian clients, send messages and try to explore a Russian market.

In addition, one of my colleagues showed me an Amazon Sales. This is quite new sphere for me – I have never got in touch with this platform. My colleague explained me how the Amazon’s sales works and how the company does business with the US and Europe.

Moreover, I visited four Chinese factories: two factories of our company and two factories of our partners. I have never been in Chinese factories previously, so this experience is very valuable for me.

To summarize, I am sincerely delighted to do an internship in the Mr. Sun’s company since it gives me huge knowledge about doing an international business and management in general. Big thanks to Mr. Sun and Business School!

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