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2018年06月04日 14:08     (浏览次数:265)


比利时VIVES大学将于2018年11月19日至23日在比利时科特赖克市举办国际教工周活动。基于宁波大学和VIVES大学的友好合作关系,特邀请一名加拿大28开奖网 教工作为特约嘉宾参加活动,特约嘉宾的机票和住宿等费用由对方承担。具体要求和报名程序请见附件内容。





International Staff Week CSBMI 2018

Our next International Staff Week, the ISW2018, will be held from Monday 19 to Friday 23 November 2018, in Kortrijk, Belgium.

Your participation

As a guest lecturer, you are free to present a business-related topic of your choice to our second year students in Business and Office Management and in Applied Informatics. Your practical and interactive workshop should contain:

· a two-hour seminar: you present yourself, introduce your topic, explain a case study/assignment for our student teamwork (this should be a relevant business case related to your topic) and get the teams started on the assignment

· a one-hour session to listen to and give feedback on the presentations by the students

Your three-hour programme will be scheduled twice to two different groups of about 20 students, each divided in 4 or 5 teams for the case study/assignment. In between the introductory seminar and the feedback session, students will have one hour to work independently on the team assignment. Please prepare a task that is challenging enough for them to sink their teeth in but also feasible to finish in one hour (with a team of 4 or 5 students).

Your presence is also required at the Go International night on Wednesday evening. This annual event is an opportunity to promote academic exchanges in general and your home institution in particular, to both our local and our Erasmus students.

In the course of the week, visits and meetings will take place with foreign and local colleagues, local government and business people. By tradition, on Thursday we organize an excursion and a farewell dinner, both an excellent opportunity to meet with all the other guests.

We annually have over 30 people from about 15 different countries taking part in our International Staff Week. Needless to say that this event gives you the opportunity to extend your personal international network.

This teaching mobility can be financed by ERASMUS+through your institution’s International Office provided there is an Erasmus+ agreement between your institution and VIVES (B KORTRIJ 01). Guest lecturers will receive a certificate stating that they have taken part in teaching activities amounting to 8 hours. If there is no Erasmus+ agreement at present, but you would like to have one drawn up, please contact johan.cottyn@vives.be, head of the international office at VIVES-CSBMI.


Online registration is possible until 19 September 2018. You will also be asked to preferably upload a picture of yourself for the Who's Who booklet (or send it through mail afterwards).

Lynn Tanghe – Coordinator International Staff Week

Johan Cottyn – Head International Office

Anna Szermuszyn – International Coordinator

Bianca Melania Cricler – International Coordinator

Announcement International Staff Week 2018 – VIVES Kortrijk – Belgium

Dear colleague, friend and inspiration

It is that time of year again: you are invited to join theInternational Staff Week at VIVES Kortrijk, Belgium,from19 to 23 November 2018!

We offer you a platform to meetover 30 foreign colleagues from about 15 different countries.

Obviously, this is an interesting opportunity to discuss your budding ideas with like-minded professionals, find new angles and set up plans for implementation and future cooperation.

You also get to meet and work with oursecond year bachelor students in office and business management(marketing, accountancy, logistics, finance, event management, automotive, HR, applied informatics, to name only a few …). The interactive workshop format of the last few years has been altered in order to give you more time to introduce your topic and assignment. You can read more about ithere.//www.vives.be/en/international/isw

You canregister(//www.vives.be/en/activiteiten/international-staff-week-online-registration)as of now, submitting your idea (brief outline) for your workshop. Registration will be open until Wednesday 19 September but please don’t leave it until last minute. We need time to find out if your idea is suitable for our students or if it needs some tweaking so both you and the students get the best out of this encounter. We love a big and diverse group but because of the ongoing success of the ISW, we might have to reluctantly turn down participants if we want to offer each of you a student audience worthy of the effort you put into preparing your workshop.

Below, you can find the preliminary programme for theISW2018.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me atlynn.tanghe@vives.be.

We look forward to meeting you (again).

Kind regards

Lynn Tanghe – Coordinator International Staff Week

Johan Cottyn – Head International Office

Anna Szermuszyn – International Coordinator

Bianca Melania Cricler – International Coordinator

VIVES University of Applied Sciences – Commercial Sciences, Business Management & Informatics (CSBMI) BELGIUM – KORTRIJK

Lynn Tanghe

Lecturer | Coordinator International Staff Week

VIVES University of Applied Sciences

Commercial Sciences, Business Management and Informatics

Doorniksesteenweg 145 | 8500 KORTRIJK | BELGIUM

Tel. + 32 56 26 41 40

Int. Office + 32 56 26 41 47

Fax + 32 56 21 58 02

email lynn.tanghe@vives.be


Preliminary Programme ISW2018 at VIVESCSBMI Kortrijk (Commercial Sciences, Business Management and Informatics)

19-23 November 2018

MONDAY 19 November

11.30-12.00 Your arrival on campus

12.00-12.30 Welcoming speech by Johan Cottyn, Head International Office VIVES-CSBMI

12.30-13.30 Lunch at Bistro‘t Forum on campus

13.30-15.00 Short tour on campus and visit/excursion (to be confirmed)

16.30-17.00 Transfer into city centre (+ bringing luggage to hotel if necessary)

17.45-19.00 Reception atKortrijk City Hallby Alderwoman for Education Kelly Detavernier

TUESDAY 20 November

8.45-17.15 Workshops by guest lecturers (including coffee and lunch breaks)

WEDNESDAY 21 November

8.45-17.15 Workshops by guest lecturers (including coffee and lunch breaks)

17.15-19.30 Go International: Informal meeting with students interested in an exchange programme (CSBMI graduates) & foreign Erasmus students currently at VIVES-CSBMI & guest lecturers & local staff from the international offices at VIVES

THURSDAY 22 November

9.00-11.30 Keynote speakersat Aula 't Forum (central building on campus)

11.30-13.00 International fairorganized by all the Erasmus students currently studying at VIVES Kortrijk

12.30-13.00 Sandwiches at guest lounge

13.45-22.00 Trip to Gent & farewell dinner

FRIDAY 23 November

Return trip home or extra time to meet local staff for guests still staying.

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