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2017年02月27日 17:10 国际办    (浏览次数:)


2017年波尔多大学面向加拿大28开奖经管类本科大三及以上学生和在读研究生推出一年制英文授课的硕士研究生项目(Master of Economic Affairs)。 加拿大28开奖全英文专业学生可豁免雅思或托福成绩。


2017年4月,波尔多大学项目负责人CECILE教授会到宁波大学进行面试录取,请有意向的同学于3月15日前到加拿大28开奖网 国际合作办汪老师处报名登记。

咨询电话:87609212 662162


The Master in Economic Affairs is one of the 18 postgraduate master programs offered by the College of Law, Political Science, Economics and Management of the University of Bordeaux. It is a fulltime degree taught in English, designed for international and French university graduates. The program provides students with an opportunity to develop a broad understanding of key economic issues in international affairs and an in-depth knowledge of practical European and international business skills and practices. What distinguishes the program is its focus on specific European and international trade and financial policies and business transactions using analytical tools from economics, political science, management, business, and law. The program provides companies with managers ready to deal with intercultural management and international trade situations.

This program is ideal for students who want to deepen their knowledge of international affairs theory and practice, those who aspire to a career in the international arena, those who wish to add an international dimension to their educational background, those who want to take part in a multicultural experience in a culturally rich and dynamic environment, those who desire to strengthen their proficiency in English and acquire basic language skills in French.

Professional skill courses

The goal of the program is to develop a range of marketable skills and competences needed to carry out functions in international trade (exchange rates risk management, international payments, trading and shipping, economic intelligence) and intercultural businesses (market dynamics and specificity, leadership).

The program combines courses in both theory and practice, and focuses on working methods, readings, team-work and management projects.

Courses are designed and delivered by academics from the University of Bordeaux, by visiting professors from partner universities, as well as by professionals from French or international companies.


The program prepares students for a broad range of careers in the international business and trade areas :

Export manager

Transnational contracts negociator

Trade manager

Customer service manager

Area Manager…

For international students Students will register for a three-month program (DU: university diploma), from September to November, specifically designed for the MEA foreign students who do not speak French. The DU program offers intensive elementary-level language courses in French, intermediate-to-advanced level language courses in English, remedial courses in international economics, business trips and access to cultural and intercultural activities and events.

From December to June: International and French students will attend courses for the MEA

Core Curriculum

Semester 1:

International contract law

European markets dynamics and specificities

European fiscal optimisation

European populations

Exchange rates risk

International payments

Trading and shipping



Macroeconomic issues

Semester 2:

Communication methodology

Business development project



International financial reporting

Intellectual property rights

Intelligenceéconomique (Fr)

Civilisation européenne (Fr)




Firms and markets economics


Economic affairs

Requirements and recommendations

The MEA program is a selective program. All applicants must hold an accredited bachelor’s degree (or the equivalent) in economics, management, law or in the humanities fields, with a record showing high academic achievement. Applicants should also demonstrate a clear commitment to international affairs.

For French students: M1 in economics, management, law, social sciences or humanities (such as M1 or M2 in LEA)

English proficiency is essential and has to be demonstrated by an offical test result (TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS, BULATS, Cambridge certificate)


Semester 1 :180 hours

Semester 2 :180 hours

Academic and professional courses

The goal of the program is to develop a range of marketable skills and competences needed to carry out functions in international trade (exchange rates risk management, international payments, tradind and shipping, economic intelligence) and intercultural businesses (market dynamics and specificity, leadership).

The program combines courses in both theory and practice, and focuses on working methods, readings, team-work and management projects.

Degree requirements

To obtain the MEA diploma, students are expected to meet the usual academic requirements, on the basis of the results obtained through continuous assessment and evaluation.



Number of places


Practical information


Campus de Pessac

Avenue Léon Duguit

33608 Pessac Cedex

Access : tram B > stop Montaigne-Montesquieu


All applicants must submit at least one letter of reference evaluating undergraduate and graduate academic performance and suitability for postgraduate study in international economic affairs.

A resume should be included in the application.

Facebook page



Program directors

Cécile Cormier        Associate Professor in American Studies

[email protected]

Bertrand Blancheton    Dean of the Faculty of Economics

[email protected]

Twitter @BBlancheton

For more information about admission and registration, contact

[email protected]

Delphine DescombesT +0033 (0)5 56 84 62 [email protected]


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