名额: 两名。 课程介绍: 交流生每学期必须在堪培拉大学修完12个学分的课程。大多数课程的学分为3分,一周约12至16课时,包括课堂学习,图书馆查资料等。只要符合要求,可以申请进入任何专业课程学习。为使学分转换顺利,建议学生提前把堪培拉大学修课计划报给学院教务办。 学费:免费。 生活成本: 食宿及保险等:约7500澳元/学期。学生必须购买健康保险。 总成本 (含往返国际机票):约人民币6万元/学期。 入学要求: 1.大二及大三在读学生; 2.雅思成绩6.0及以上,单项不低于5.5;或IBT托福60-78及以上; 3.以7分为标准,GAP达到4.5分;以4分为标准,达到2.5分。 学期时间: 秋季学期:八月-十一月 春季学期:二月-五月 网上申请截止时间: 秋季学期: 3月30日(鉴于签证需要3个月左右的时间,请在3月30日前完成网上申请) 春季学期: 9月30日(鉴于签证需要3个月左右的时间,建议10月10日前完成网上申请) 申请日期如需延长,请联系:Rebecca.Willis [email protected] Jess.Cronin <[email protected]> 申请程序及材料要求 1. 网上填写报名信息 //www.canberra.edu.au/future-students/applications/apply-now/study-abroad-and-exchange-how-to-apply/the-application. 2. 提前准备好如下文件: · Digital copy with English translation (PDF format only*) of all transcripts and qualifications (stamped or signed by your university for certification) · Digital colour copy of passport (photo & details page) or a recent photo of yourself if you are still waiting on your passport. (PDF format only*) · Digital typed statement of purpose- no longer than 1 page about why you want to study at UC (PDF format only*) · Digital certified copy of English Language Proficiency if required (PDF format only*) · The name and e-mail address for your exchange advisor (please provide the correct contact for your student to use) · The address at your university where your transcript should be sent at the end of the semester (please provide your student with the correct contact & address to use) · **NEW**: An academic reference will be required for any students with a fail grade on their transcript. In the case of a fail on a transcript, the application will not be complete without an academic reference. |