E-mail:[email protected]
2009.9 - 2013.6,浙江大学,信息管理与信息系统专业,管理学学士
2013.9 - 2018.9,浙江大学管理学院,管理科学与工程系,管理学博士(直博)
其中:2016.10 - 2016.12 美国加州大学伯克利分校,交流学习
2018.10 - 2021.12,加拿大28开奖网
2022.1 - 至今,加拿大28开奖网
[1] Zhang W., Jiang P., Tong P., Xu T., Yuan R., & Diao L.* (2022). The Influence of Industry Leaders’ Behavior on the Decisions of Common Enterprise Leaders in Enterprise Clustering: An Event-Related Potential Study. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 15, 237-249. (SSCI, 2区, IF = 2.945 )
[2] Jin, J., Lin, C., Wang, F. Xu, T., & Zhang, W*. (2021). A study of cognitive effort involved in the framing effect of summary descriptions of online product reviews for search vs. experience products. Electronic Commerce Research. //doi.org/10.1007/s10660-021-09491-y. (SSCI, 2区, IF = 2.507 )
[3] Zhang, W. , Pan, J. , Liu, J. , Zhang, Y. , & Chen, M*. . (2020). Recipients' happiness in prosocial spending: the role of social ties. Journal of Consumer Affairs. 1–19. //doi.org/10.1111/joca.12312 (SSCI, 2区, IF = 1.733 )
[4] Zhang, W., Yang, D., Jin, J., Diao, L & Ma, Q* (2019) The Neural Basis of Herding Decisions in Enterprise Clustering: An Event-Related Potential Study. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 13:1175. (SSCI, 2区, IF = 3.648 )
[5] Zhang, W., Jin J.,* Wang, A., Ma, Q., Yu H. (2019). Consumers’ implicit motivation of purchasing luxury brands: an EEG study. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 12, 913-929. (SSCI, 2区, IF = 1.84 )
[6] Zhang, W., Chen, M*., Xie, Y., & Zhao, Z. (2018). Prosocial spending and subjective well-being: the recipient perspective. Journal of Happiness Studies,19(8), 2267–2281. (SSCI, 1区, IF = 2.511 )
[7] Jin, J., Zhang, W*., & Chen, M. (2017). How consumers are affected by product descriptions in online shopping: event-related potentials evidence of the attribute framing effect. Neuroscience Research, 125,21-28. (SCI, IF = 2.071 )
[8] 张武科, 金佳. (2019). 社会距离会影响人们的慷慨程度吗?——社会折现的研究综述.财经论丛, 07, 95-101. (CSSI来源期刊)
[9] 张武科, 金佳. (2018). 健康意识与环保意识对生态食品购买意愿的影响—–生态属性认知的中介作用. 宁波大学学报(理工版)(1), 105-110. (中国科技核心)
[10] Zhang, W. K*. (2014). Predicting sales with social media data. Advanced Materials Research, 926-930, 3870-3873. EI检索
[11] Zhao, Z., Chen, ML., & Zhang, WK. (2019). Social community, personal Involvement and psychological processes: a study of impulse buying in the online shopping carnival. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 20(4), 255-272. (SSCI, 3区, IF = 1.786)
[12] Xie, Y., Chen, M. L., Zhang, W. K., & Cui, F. (2018). Neural correlates of country-of-origin image (COI) stereotype. Neuroscience letters, 687, 164-168. (SCI, IF = 2.173)
[13] Ma, Y. B., Jin, J., Yu, W. J., Zhang, W. K., Xu, Z. J., & Ma, Q. G. (2018). How Is the Neural Response to the Design of Experience Goods Related to Personalized Preference? An Implicit View. Frontiers In Neuroscience, 12, 8. doi:10.3389/fnins.2018.00760. (SSCI, 2区, IF = 3.648 )
[14] Xie, Y., Chen, M., Lai, H., Zhang, W., Zhao, Z., & Anwar, C. M. (2016). Neural basis of two kinds of social influence: obedience and conformity. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10. (SSCI, 2区, IF = 2.87 )
[15] Ma, Q., & Zhang, W. (2015). Public mood and consumption choices: evidence from sales of sony cameras on taobao. Plos One, 10(4), e0123129.
[16] Ma, Q., Jia, J., Yuan, R., & Zhang, W. (2015). Who are the true fans? evidence from an event-related potential study. Plos One, 10(6), e0129624.
[17] 金佳,张武科. (2015). 框架效应影响因素及其认知机制研究综述. 西安电子科技大学学报(社会科学版)(2), 30-36.
[1] 浙江省自然科学基金:社交慈善中的朋辈捐赠效应研究——基于决策神经科学,项目主持人
[2] 浙江省哲学社会科学:朋辈捐赠行为对社交捐赠决策的影响研究——基于行为科学与决策神经科学,项目主持人
[3] 浙江省省属高校基本科研业务费专项:社会影响下的社交捐赠决策机制:基于多方法的耦合研究,项目主持人
[4] 宁波大学年度科研基金项目:亲社会消费与接受者幸福——关系强弱的影响,项目主持人
[5] 中国积极心理学研究基金:亲社会消费中受益者一定更加幸福?—出资者与受益者幸福感耦合效应的检测、分析与后效研究,项目主持人
(2)《Frontiers in Psychology》与《Frontiers in Neuroscience》客座副主编
(3)《Frontiers in Psychology》与《Frontiers in Neuroscience》联合研究主题《Managerial Decision-Making From the Perspectives of Behavioral Science and Neuroscience》 执行主编
(4)中国技术经济学会神经经济管理专业委员会 委员
(5)《Psychology & Marketing》、《Advances in Cognitive Psychology》、《Journal of Consumer Affairs》、《Electronic Commerce Research》、《Current Psychology》、《Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society》审稿人