International Conference on New trends and patterns of emerging markets and sustainable development 2022
November 26-27, 2022
Organized by Ningbo University (NBU)
Call for Papers
Business School, Ningbo University will host the International Conference on November 26-27, 2022 in Ningbo, China. This conference will be a hybrid one, with both on-site and online sessions. We sincerely welcome you to join us in Ningbo. In case you are unable to come Ningbo due to the COVID-19 travel restrictions, please join the conference online. The purpose of the conference is to promote research broadly related to New trends and patterns of emerging markets and sustainable development for green finance and the digital economy. We especially welcome paper submissions from young scholars and freshman.
The theme of this Visual Special issue (VSI) is “Green finance and the Digital economy”. All types (empirical and theory) of papers on this theme are welcomed. The special issue especially welcomes (including but not limited to) topics in the following fields:
- Digital Economy and Innovation
- The Evaluation System of Digital Economy
- International Digital Trade and Digitization of International Trade
- Green Finance and Green Development
- Global Supply Chain and Anti-globalization
- Big Data Technology and New Business Models
- Regional Integration in Emerging Markets
Professor Chun-Ping Chang (Shih Chien University)
Professor Tao Chen (Ningbo University)
Narayan, Paresh (Monash University)
Professor Yong-You Li (Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics)
Deadline, October 31, 2022: Deadline for Abstract/Paper Submission
November 10, 2022: Notification of acceptance
November 15, 2022: Registration deadline and full paper submission
Authors are invited to submit their research papers (in English) in word version to the following address: (// At this site you will need to register by creating an account.
Selected papers presented in the conference are eligible to be considered for publication in the Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (EMFT, 4.859, Q1, 56/380). Note that the acceptance of a paper for presentation at the conference is not a guarantee of publication in the EMFT. All selected papers will go through the journal’s blind review process.

REGISTRATION FEES (for the paper to be included in the programme):
Registration fee (by November 15, 2022) is US$300. Late registration fee of US$400 will be charged after this date. Registration fee will be waived for submissions that all authors are from the host university.
If you have questions, please contact us via email: [email protected]
We look forward to meeting you in the conference. Best regards,
The Organizing Committee