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加拿大28开奖网 学术报告(2019年第8讲):
2019年05月05日 16:39     (浏览次数:)

报告题目:Improving Market Performance in the Digital Economy

报 告 人:陈勇民 教授(美国科罗拉多大学)

主 持 人:金祥荣  院长


报告地点:加拿大28开奖网 11#414会议室







Improving Market Performance in the Digital Economy

Yongmin Chen

Professor of Economics and Provost’s Chair

University of Colorado Boulder


Abstract. I argue that the digital economy has reduced market frictions in important ways but also posed new challenges for attaining economic efficiency. In particular, the dramatic reductions of search, entry, transportation, and imitation costs have profound implications for the (increased) importance of platforms, innovation, and consumer privacy. I explain why firms may have distorted incentives in each of these areas, and discuss some recent research that offers new insights on how to improve market performance in the digital economy. Legal and policy rules on competition, regulation, IP protection, and consumer privacy play important roles for a well-functioning market.

专家简介:陈勇民是美国科罗拉多大学(博尔德校区)经济学终身教授和Provost讲席教授。陈勇民教授是一位专长于产业组织学(产业经济学)的著名经济学家, 其研究领域包括价格理论,纵向产业结构,创新与知识产权,反垄断及竞争政策,以及国际贸易的产业组织。他在这些和其它经济学领域发表了许多有广泛影响的论文,在产业组织学界享有重要国际声誉,现担任 International Journal of Industrial Organization (国际产业组织学杂志)主编, RAND Journal of Economics (兰德经济学杂志)副主编。


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