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2019年03月22日 10:37     (浏览次数:)


International Conference on

Financial Development and Stability in Dynamic Global Economy


Organized by:School of Business and Research Institute of One Belt One Road, Ningbo University


Theme: Financial Development and Stability in Dynamic Global Economy


Supporting Journal: Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (SSCI&ABS).


Conference Dates: July 18-20, 2019, Ningbo, China


Venue: Ningbo University Hotel (on campus), 818 Fenghua Road, Ningbo, China



Both developed and developing economies have been experiencing rapid growth driven, in part, by their higher degree of interdependence through international trade and innovation in information technology. Big data and artificial intelligence technologies have also greatly affected the ways of doing business, conducting finance transaction, and wealth management. However, the recent China and US trade tensions have generated great uncertainties in capital and commodity markets, as well as in global supply chains networks, potentially reversing the current positive economic growth due to its negative effects on finance, trade and other key economic sectors. Hence, this conference will focus on these and related issues and examine new financial developments in such dynamic global economy with great challenges and opportunities. All this require new models in asset pricing, portfolio investment, corporate finance, and risk management that all would be the key focus of this conference.


Suggested topics:

We invite submissions of high quality, original research papers. Panels or individual papers may be submitted. Topics considered include but not limit to the following:

  • Capital      markets, risk management and pricing

·         Theoretical Asset Pricing

·         Empirical Asset Pricing

  • Econometrics      of hypothesis testing and p-hacking

  • Corporate      finance and governance

  • Energy      economics and finance

  • Financial      stability

  • Global      finance and trade

  • Monetary      and fiscal policy

  • Economic      development and growth

  • Real      Estate and Housing markets

  • Business      cycles, labor market

  • Silk      Road trade and global supply chain

  • FinTech      and digital economy


Keynote speaker:

Prof. Tarun Chordia, Managing Editor of Journal of Financial Markets,R. Howard Dobbs, Jr. Chair and Professor in Finance, Goizueta Business School, Emory University, U.S.,



Prof. Ali M. Kutan, Editor of Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, will conduct a workshop on "How to publish in top economics and finance journals” targeted towards young scholars and doctoral students. Questions will also be taken from the participants of the session.



All the papers must be written and presented in English. Extended abstracts or original full papers should be submitted to the conference organizer through email [email protected]by May 1, 2019. Papers selected for presentation will be notified by May 15, 2019. The criteria for selecting papers for the program include the nature of the research topic and the academic quality of the research design.


Publication Opportunity:

Selected papers will be considered for publication in Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (EMFT), //www.tandfonline.com/toc/mree20/current


EMFT is a SSCI and ABS indexed journal. Selectedconference papers in English langue will be published in a regular issue of the journal based on the journal’s standard review process. All papers accepted for presentation at the conference are eligible to be considered for publication in the EMFT. Hence, if you wish your paper to be considered for publication in EMFT, please indicate it in the email accompanying your paper submission. Papers will be screened by the conference committee for suitability prior to the submission to the journal. Note that the acceptance of a paper to the conference does guarantee publication in the EMFT.



Registration fee of US$280 or 1800 RENMINBI early bird: (June 1, 2019) for all attendees, which covers conference materials, welcome reception, coffee breaks, lunch, and dinner.


A late registration fee of US$300 or 2000 RENMINBI applies to registrations received between June 1 and 1 July, 2019.


Important dates:

Extended abstract/full paper submission:

Submission date: May 1, 2019

Notification date: May 15, 2019

Registration dates: June 1, 2019

Conference dates: July 18 to 20, 2019


Conference Hotel:

Ningbo University Hotel, 818 Fenghua Road, Ningbo, China

Reservation Phone: +86 (0)574-86662201

The rooms are limited and please make reservations as early as possible.


All participants are responsible for booking and paying their own accommodation and transportation.


Contact Information:

E-mail: [email protected]


Conference Chair:

Prof. Yongmin Zhang

Qianjiang Distinguished Professor in Finance

Anzhong Chair Professor in Applied Economics

Deputy Dean, “One Belt One Road” Research Institute

Business School of Ningbo University


Guide to Ningbo City

Ningbo is located in Zhejiang province on the south shore of Hangzhou Bay, opposite Shanghai. 7,000 years old, populated with more than six million people and covering over 9,000 square kilometers, Ningbo is a rapidly growing city. Ranked 7th by Forbes list of 'the top cities for business in China', it is a thriving blend of enterprise, culture, education, tradition and entertainment.

Ningbo offers the opportunity to feel at home amongst an array of international shopping outlets, restaurants, clubs and bars, whilst hosting international sports and music events. It also provides the chance to embrace culture and tradition. Unique temples and intricate streets house an array of markets boasting a variety of antiques, textiles and delicious Ningbo cuisine.

National and local festivities flaunt the delights of Chinese culture whilst close to one hundred museums and exhibitions represent the city’s historic past and innovative future. The city is a unique mix of modern sky-scrapers and traditional architecture, complimented with stunning parkland and scenic spots, making it a place for all.

The city's excellent transport links mean that Ningbo is an ideal location to explore and one from which to open up the vast delights that both China and Asia have to offer.


Getting to the University

From Ningbo airport and Ningbo train station

Subway (No. 2) to the University is the most efficient way to reach campus. It takes about 50 minutes from Ningbo airport and 30 minutes from Ningbo train station.

From Shanghai's airports

Shanghai has two airports - Shanghai Pudong Airport, mainly for international flights and Shanghai Hongqiao Airport, mainly for domestic flights. There is a distance of about 50 km and one hour drive between two airports.


By train (Shanghai to Ningbo)

On arriving at Shanghai Pudong Airport you should transfer to Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station. This takes approximately 90 minutes depending on traffic conditions. There are two options to get there:

§  Take a taxi (around 200 RMB)

§  Take Metro Line No. 2 (8 RMB and about 90 minutes)

The train from Shanghai to Ningbo is now only one-hour-forty-minutes.





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