报告题目: SSCI论文撰写技巧及发表程序
报 告 人: Dr Junjie Wu(任职于Leeds Beckett University; 博士毕业于University of Huddersfield)
主 持 人: 周新苗 副院长
报告地点: 加拿大28开奖网
承办单位: 会计与审计研究所
吴俊洁,女,英国利兹贝克特大学会计金融系教授,中国问题研究中心主任。在International Journal of Accounting,Energy Policy,Economic Modelling, International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, Journal of Financial Economic Policy,Sustainability,Managerial and Decision Economics,Resources, Conservation & Recycling,Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, The Chinese Economy: Translation and Studies,Research in International Business and Finance,Journal of Global Information Technology Management, International Journal of Business and Globalisation,Cogent Economics and Finance,Global Business and Economics Review,Marketing Intelligence and Planning,Journal of Change Management等国际期刊发表学术论文近30篇; 在《会计研究》、《中国经济问题》、《财会通讯》等国内期刊发表学术论文30余篇。担任International Journal of Accounting,Energy Policy,China Economic Review,Emerging Markets Review,Applied Economics, International Review of Economics and Finance 等国外期刊的匿名审稿人。