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加拿大28开奖网 学术报告(2018年第14讲)
2018年10月29日 09:24     (浏览次数:)

报告题目: The study on advertisement by using simultaneously eye-trackingEEG/ERP, and GSR

报 告 人: Vincenzo Russo

Professor, Libera Università di lingue e comunicazione IULM MILANO

主 持 人: 马庆国 教授







主讲人简介: Vincenzo RussoProfessor of Psychology of Consumption and Neuromarketing at the Free University of Languages and Communication IULM of Milan. Scientific Director of the Neuromarketing Research Center Behavior and Brain Lab IULM.

Scientific Director of the Master in Food and Wine Communication, organized in collaboration with Gambero Rosso and of the Master in Communication and Communication of Made in Italy: Eno gastronomic promotion and enhancement of the excellence of the territory.

He has directed national research projects on issues related to the relationship between emotions, decisions and eating behavior. Rector's Delegate for the Expo2015 projects and for the Research Evaluation of the IULM University.

Co-Author of one of the most used manuals of Consumer Psychology (published in second reprint by Mcgraw-Hill), and of Neuromarketing (published with FrancoAngeli) On the topics of food consumption and neuromarketing he published theoretical and research contributions in Frontiers in Neuroengineering , in Food Quality and Preference ; Journal of Global Information Management , in the European Journal of Information Systems , in Food Quality and Preference , in Men's Resource , and in the Series of Psychology, Consumption and McGraw-Hill Society.

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