沙龙题目:Brand Names and Consumer Demand: Evidence from China’s Automobile
沙龙主讲:吴 芳 副教授(上海财经大学)
沙龙主持:彭新敏 教授
沙龙时间:2018年1月10日(周三)下午 14:30-16:00
吴芳,女,市场学博士,上海财经大学国际工商管理学院市场营销系副教授,加拿大艾尔伯塔大学市场学博士。吴芳博士的研究领域主要是数量营销模型,消费者行为建模和市场结构分析。现有论文在Journal of Regulatory Economics, Health Economics, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, Frontiers of Economics in China上发表。同时有多篇工作论文在国际顶级刊物Journal of Marketing Research上审稿。2010年在国内市场营销科学年会上获得年会优秀论文奖。多次参加Marketing Science Conference,耶鲁大学Mallen Filmed Entertainment Economics Conference等国际一流的营销研讨会并发表演讲。主持一项国家自然科学基金青年项目。并曾为Marketing Science, Journal of Business Review等国际顶级刊物审稿。
Brand Names and Consumer Demand: Evidence from China’s Automobile
演讲内容:In this research, we investigate the impact of one element of brand names, i.e., brand name type, on sales. With detailed automobile sales data in China, we develop a discrete choice model for differentiated products to investigate the impacts of brand name types on consumer demand from phonetic-semantic and foreign-domestic perspectives. Following the literature, we categorize brand name types for the automobiles in China into four types: abstract, phonetic, phonosemantic, and semantic names. We find significant impacts of brand name type on sales: Chinese consumers on average most prefer vehicle models with semantic brand names (8% more sales than abstract brand names) but least prefer phonosemantic ones (5% less sales than abstract brand names). We also find that the influence of brand names on sales varies across country-of-origin of vehicle models and customer segments.