报告题目:可持续性研究进展True Sustainability?
报告人:Ming K Lim,英国考文垂大学教授,供应链创新与可持续研究所所长
Sustainability is a word with multiple meanings depending on your culture, your world of multinational corporations, a small business, or an individual trying to figure out what a sustainable lifestyle looks like. It has been receiving growing attention in the corporate environment in recent years, whether the motivation is concern for society and the environment, government regulation, stakeholder pressures, or economic profit, most companies recognise the importance of developing sustainability strategies and activities. Ultimately, sustainability is no longer an option.
How we could achieve true sustainability, in the dimensions of Social, Environment and Economic, is one key challenge for a company to proudly recognise themselves to be a sustainable company. This seminar will assess this context through the on-going research work within the supply chain group at Coventry University (UK).
Ming joined Coventry University in June 2016 as Professor of Supply Chain and Operations Management and Cluster Lead – Supply Chain Sustainability and Strategy within the Centre for Business in Society. He is leading a group of supply chain academics in building research profile and pursuing applied-research impact through industry collaboration. Prior to this role, he was Head of Centre for Supply Chain Improvement at the University of Derby building a new Centre of Excellence for supply chain and logistics for the region and beyond. Ming has a long list of industrial project partners including Toyota, Rolls-Royce, Bombardier, Unilever, Alliance Boots, DHL, the HNS, Tesco Express and Caterpillar, and a range of SMEs across different industries. Prof Lim has excellent experience in supply chain management research with extensive expertise in multi-partner projects funded by EPSRC, InnovateUK, EU FP7 and individual companies. Ming works collaboratively with policy and industry organisations on an international scale. He has an outstanding track record of delivering knowledge exchange and impactful research which has been achieved through the establishment of close working relationships with industry partners.